Provision Store

We permanently hold a comprehensive range of dry provision to meet the expectations of quality for cargo, navy, cruise, and offshore industries.Our purchasing departments source products from all over the globe to ensure that the correct balance of price and quality is always achieved.

  • Fish, Salted, Dried, Smoked, Fresh
  • Local Meat & Meat Products
  • Local Butter, Cheese
  • Bread, Cake, Pastry
  • Oil and Fat
  • Coffee, Cocoa, Tea
  • Eggs, Milk, Yogurt, Ice Cream
  • Tinned Vegetables
  • Tinned Fish
  • Pasta and Noodle
  • Food Color, Essence, Pudding,
  • Gelatin
  • Tinned Meat
  • Beans and Peas, Dry
  • Fruits and Nuts, Dry
  • Jam and Marmalade
  • Juice
  • Syrup
  • Cereals
  • Grains, Cake Mix
  • Salt and Sugar
  • Biscuit, Cracker Snack, Wafer
  • Sauce and Gravy, Sauce Mix
  • Dressing and Vinegar
  • Seasoning and Flavor, Bouillon
  • Pickles
  • Spices and Herbs
  • Soup Powder